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Wednesday, 21 May 2008
The End of an Era.
Twelve years of going to school, six hours a day, since the age of four. And it's just about over. I'm finding this rather significant ending in my life pretty upsetting to be honest with myself. I cannot contemplate the idea of not seeing my fantastic friends every day, dozing off in Biology and having sponge fights in Art.
People always moan about having to go to school during their time at it, but when it ends you really begin to notice how much you actually enjoyed it. The whole thing would be much easier to get over, if your time at school ended in a slightly more pleasant way. My first week of exams has been the biggest rush in my entire life, not helped by the fact I have a party to go to on Friday and a four-day holiday to Wales on Saturday, both of which I still need to prepare for!
I remember saying to myself 'Right, Becky. You're going to revise for months in preparation for your exams, and be thoroughly confident when finally walking down those Sport's Hall stairs to take that dreaded paper.' No such thing. No matter how much I prepare to prepare, it never happens. Which is why I've found myself, on three occasions this week, rushing to cover all of the revision notes just minutes before my exams. And, I don't think it's really made a difference, if I'm honest. These first papers have been particularly kind.
Let's hope the rest are as generous.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
The results of a passtime and an obsession:

This is the first one I did a fair few months back. Anyone who watches the show will know this is a picture of the Doctor's home planet, Gallifrey, which I was inspired to do after watching my favourite ever episode: 'The Sound of Drums'.
'New Earth'
This is another alien landscape inspired by a Doctor Who scene, this time from the episode, 'New Earth'. I was struck by the regularity of the beach in the scene, in contrast to the great big futuristic hospital which dominates the scene. I also love the added touch of the flying vehicle in the distance, streaming into the hospital and over the city.
Quite literally what it says on the tin, based on the Doctor Who alien cyborgs; the Cybermen, which are the future us for some people. I'm thinking of producing a twin painting to complete the other half, but with a twist...
Well that's all I got so far, I hope people like them, though it's quite hard to see the cyberman one in detail due to the small size. Feel free to comment or criticise, or give ideas for future pieces of artwork.
Over and out.
So, what is a 'blog' then...?
So that's exactly what you can expect to find here; my random ponderings and maybe a few pictures I have taken, or just like.
Over and out, from The Bex Base (coordinates: 001678/apple/6gh/D)